The brief is to create new everyday humour concepts for a general male recipient.
For this brief we want really funny ideas; we aren’t necessarily looking for good illustration or design skills. Your entry can a finished design if you wish, but just a sketch to illustrate your concept will do fine.
Some examples of our humour range are included for guidance and inspiration, but we are after something unique so try to think of some new themes that you haven’t seen on cards before. What kinds of issues are faced by today’s males?
Bear in mind that we generally stay away from overtly rude cards as they don’t suit the M&S customer, although we may make an exception if your concept is exceptionally funny (and just a little bit rude).
The deadline for the Humor Competition is now extended until Friday 20th June 2008
The format for entries must be portrait 127mm x 178mm jpeg at 72 dpi in RGB. Please email all entries in this format (max 5 per entrant) together with a brief description of your work and your username (nickname) to Vic at [email protected]
We will endeavour to upload your designs within 24 hours.
All entries are featured in our online Competition Gallery and the winning prize is £200 as well as the possibility of a placement at Tigerprint and your design may even feature in a future range!!!!
Please be sure to check out the full Terms & Conditions of the Competition before submitting your entries.
Please note that this competition is now closed!